'He looked so happy when he was beating me. But I am a domestic abuse survivor'

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It was in 2020 when Tracey suffered the worst of the violence from her abusive partner, with two incidents leaving her fearing for her life and covered in bruises.

She said: "He got really riled up after we had an argument. We were supposed to be going to see his parents and I didn't want to go because I could tell his mood was really off. He said that if I didn't go with him he would kill my daughter. So I went.

"When I got there he continued to act up. I was sitting on the floor next to his mum, who had dementia, clutching my phone and my car keys. I said 'Mark, I’m going to leave now' as he was getting angrier. As I tried to leave he punched me in the head, bouncing my head off the wall, and he took my car keys."


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