Health checkups for Derbyshire mums and babies could be reduced due to budget cutbacks

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Budget cutbacks could see check-ups for Derbyshire mothers and babies happen less frequently, only given to those most at risk and being carried out by phone or video. A public consultation launched by Derbyshire County Council seeks feedback on options to significantly reduce the health visitor service for families of children aged up to four.

This reduction represents a bid for the service to be able to run within its budget, without the need for continued annual “uplifts” of additional money alongside “so many financial uncertainties”. Health visitors assess the health and wellbeing of babies and toddlers as well as assisting with the overall welfare of mothers and their households, including physical and mental health check-ups.

Visits are either increased or decreased – outside of the statutory milestones – based on the need of the baby or wider family and can be carried

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