We came here to start a new life. Then disaster hit our family

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A couple who moved to Derby to start a new life have been hit with disaster. Ariene Vili, a 34-year-old nurse from the Philippines, suffered an aneurysm while six months pregnant, forcing her husband to give up work to look after her.

While partner Mark Sabrick Remigio Audea, 35, also a nurse, has since managed to secure a part-time job at a care home, the couple are in dire financial straits.

To make matters worse, Ariene gave birth while still in poor health, leaving Mark to hold together his family, look after his wife and work at the care home in whatever hours he has left.

Ariene suffered the aneurysm in early May. With her imminent pregnancy, the couple were worried about their future and her recovery. Ariene was originally being treated at Nottingham's Queen's Medical Centre, however she has since been

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