Protection against deadly disease remains low amid soaring Leicester cases - see the situation where you live

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Fewer children are being protected against a deadly but preventable disease, data shows. Nationally, the uptake of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) jab has fallen, with the proportion of kids fully vaccinated at the lowest level since 2010, the Reach Data Unit said.

Just 83.9 per cent of youngsters had two doses of the vaccine at the end of the 2023/24 financial year against a target of 95 per cent. However, the situation locally is even worse, with only 79.4 per cent of Leicester children having had both in 2023/24.

This was a slight increase on 2022/23, however, when 79.2 per cent were fully protected. The low uptake comes amid England’s biggest outbreak of measles in a decade, with Leicester having the fourth highest number of cases with

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